What to Expect

We are a congregation comprised of diverse individuals. Some of us are avid lovers of film: while there are those that rarely watch TV. We have some that listen to Country music, some that prefer Rock-n-Roll/Contemporary music, and some that listen to Old Time Radio. We have families that send their children to public school worshipping alongside families that are grownup. Some of us make our living with our hands while others are desk jockeys. Yet, we are all bound together in common faith striving towards a common salvation. Though diverse, we are one. (Philippians 1:27)

Your status in this world: ethnic, racial, social, economic, etc.. is not of any concern to us. As you will find, we have members from every walk of life and welcome increased diversity. We strive to ignore the biases of this world and, instead, model the unbiased way that our Heavenly Father views each one of us. Acts 10:34 ... God is no respecter of persons.

You will find us to be a warm and inviting group that will treasure the chance to meet you while doing our best to walk the fine line between expressing our excitement over your visit and not smothering you. We would welcome any opportunity you may provide for us to spend time with you again, in the future. Yet, we respect your space and privacy. So, you can look forward to the opportunity of finding a Church family and most importantly, if you are not a Christian  discovering the salvation promised to you through Christ: without having to fear that you have opened yourself up to a cult.


The saints in Shippensburg worship God in order to express their love, devotion, and praise. As Christ told the Samaritan woman at the well, "true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him." John 4:23 Therefore, we seek to worship God in how He wants to be worshipped, which He communicates through His Word, and not as man may think best to worship Him. To worship the Creator in any way, other than what He wants, is vanity. 

Our worship is comprised of the following, heartfelt acts, as directed by the Word of God.

Prayer- It is our privilege and duty to speak to God. The early Church prayed toegether (Acts 2:42Acts 4:24-31Acts 12:5,12). We continue in this practice, to this day. In each assembly, there will be prayer offered, by the congregation, to God. One of the men of the congregation will, on each occasion presented for prayer, vocalize the prayer on behalf of the congregation, yet each member is to pray along in their mind and affirm, if they so agree, in their amen.

Singing Praise to God - God commands Christians to worship Him in song (Ephesians 5:19Colossians 3:16). By his word, we know that the purpose God has for us, in singing, is to teach and admonish: not to entertain. It is to be from the heart with our focus on the words. The result is singing that has profound meaning with genuine emotion. You will notice that we sing accapella (no insturments). We do not use instruments, becasue the New Testament does not provide any authority for it. We cannot assume what God desires. If we act presumptuously, we will sin greatly (Psa. 19:13). Rom 10:17 says that, "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ". Therefore, since instrumental worship cannot be found in the New Testament, it cannot be done by faith.

The Lord's Supper -  Each Lord's day, we partake of this memorial to remember our Savior and His sacrificial death (1 Cor 11: 23-34). In so doing, we proclaim Christ's death until He returns. This permits us, His disciples, to share together in the body and the blood of Christ and commune with Him as one body (1 Cor 10: 16-17). Acts 20:7 sets the pattern that we partake each, first day of the week: as did the congregation in Troas. 

Laying By In Store - 1 Cor 16:1-2 requires that each Christian is to "lay by in store, as God hath prospered him... " As required by this scripture, we take up a collection of the saints that meet in Shippensburg every first day of the week. This commandment is only for the saints. Therefore, we do not ask, nor do we expect, that our visitors participate in this practice. If you are a saint that is travelling through, we expect that you have a commitment to your local congregation and do not expect you to contribute. When the plate is passed through your row, please just continue passing it. This would be a good time to put a completed visitor card into the plate.

Instruction in the Word of God (sermon) -  "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." (Matt 5:6)  The New Testament makes it clear that proclaiming the Word of God was part of the worship of the first century church. The apostle Paul preached to the church in Troas: on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7). Those that speak, in our assemblies, strive to only speak in accordance with the revealed will of God (1 Peter 4:11). We do not interpose our own thoughts or make public our speculations. As a listener of the Word, we beg that you examine the scriptures to ensure that what you are hearing is so (Acts 17:11). Since we strive to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible  is silent, we believe that you will find that we proclaim the truth. If you should hear anything that does not seem to harmonize with God's Word, we plead with you to bring it to the attention of one of our members. If what you heard isn't correct, we want to know so we may change and conform properly to the Word.


Sept. 8, 2024 - Sunday A.M. Sermon
Adrian Madison
Sept. 8, 2024 - Sunday A.M. Class
Adrian Madison
Sept. 1, 2024 - Sunday A.M. Sermon
Adrian Madison
Sept. 1, 2024 - Sunday A.M. Class
Adrian Madison
Aug. 25, 2024 - Sunday A.M. Sermon
Adrian Madison
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Sept. 15, 2023
Frank Himmel
Aug. 2, 2023
Benjamin Franklin
Some wisdom from a person in history
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Online Bible Course

Please feel free to take an online Bible course with us. It is a great way to start learning about the Bible and also a quick look into what we believe at the church of Christ in Shippensburg and why. If you have questions or comments, you can enter them in at the end of each lesson.

Know Your Bible

By Gene Tope

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